This course has been one of the most satisfying and helpful courses I have been to. The Lab sessions are a fantastic concept and I have seen how cathartic and powerful they are to learning more about oneself in the real world. Thank you!
Forthcoming Workshops
7/8/9 May 2025
20/21/22 August 2025
Workshop fee:
$2,000 plus GST
Being successful as a leader in the complex and dynamic world of organisations demands high levels of emotional intelligence. Cue The Leadership Edge workshop, an immersive learning experience that challenges you to look deeply at who you are; the context in which you lead, and the directions in which you can grow in order to be a more effective and successful leader.
This three-day workshop is based on a unique and highly experiential training design known as a Human Interaction Laboratory (HI Lab). Laboratories generally are places where investigation and change occur, and that is what The Leadership Edge offers participants.
You will learn about the impact of your behaviour on others; have the opportunity to experiment with new behaviours, and then receive feedback on what works best for you.
As a result, you will leave with greater self-awareness, increased emotional resilience, and greater behavioural flexibility.
The Laboratory experience is radically different from conventional 'talk and chalk' training courses, and as a result it holds out the possibility of real personal growth.
HI Labs are used by world-class universities (such as Stanford and Case Western) on their MBA and executive education programmes to teach 'soft' leadership skills. In New Zealand, Dr Ian Brooks has been offering this workshop since 2007. It has been so popular that he has now facilitated over 180 Labs.
Who is the workshop suitable for?
Anyone in, or about to move into, a leadership role, or who is required to influence others in the course of their work.
This includes professional, technical, and clinical team leaders, and managers at all levels.
Why Should You Attend This Workshop?
- It works! The workshop has been shown to be highly effective in producing on-the-job change. In Kirkpatrick behavioural change evaluations conducted by a large client organisation three months after the workshop, 70% of the participants evaluated reported a noticeable positive change in their practice, behaviour or performance.
- Participants themselves highly rate their experience. Over 1000 participants have attended this workshop, and their average overall course satisfaction rating is 4.9 out of 5.
- It is challenging. The highly experiential nature of the workshop - there isn't a single PowerPoint slide in three days- creates a setting which most participants describe as confronting, but extremely valuable for that reason.
- The learning sticks. Because the learning is experiential, it lasts. Participants say that they remember their learning years later.
Workshop Objectives
By attending you will:
- Develop your capacity to be a more emotionally intelligent and effective leader
- Develop a heightened self-awareness through group feedback and be able to 'read' others better
- Develop strategies for seeing challenging back-at-work situations differently, so new solutions are created
- Increase your ability to communicate, engage with and influence others
- Gain greater presence, self-confidence and impact
- Learn powerful techniques for changing your behaviour. There is a strong emphasis in the workshop on both what to change and how to effect that change.
Workshop Size and Composition
The workshop is limited to 8 participants to ensure individualised learning. Ideally, none of the participants will work alongside each other on a regular basis. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the composition of the group.
Recent Feedback
- "I don’t think you could improve this course. This was the best course I have ever done in terms of teaching leadership."
- "I wish I could have done this years ago."
- "Life-changing lightbulb moments occurred for me."
- "This should be a requirement for anyone in a leadership position."
- "A lot of courses give a boost in your knowledge, and while you may take a few practice points away, you largely continue as you were. This course is different. I learned so much about me that I didn’t know. It’ is so relevant and enlightening."
- "I found this course challenging but extremely valuable. I had some insight into myself, but this really helped me to see who I am and how I can get the best out of myself and others."
- "This was an absolutely life-changing experience and one that I could not articulate to people easily without them experiencing it for themselves."